I have to say that this few months have been a whirlwind! We have gone from Mckay have pneumonia, Erin having her tonsoles and adnodes surgery, and oh yeah.....just found out that McKay has pneumonia again! All I have to say is poor Ally. Sometimes she runs to the bathroom and pretends to throw-up. Poor kid. All the attention has been just not about her, although, she has started playing soccer and I am thrilled. She is a hustler. A good kid and has already learned not to push with her hands and with her body.
Poor McKay...give all of the kids big hugs and kisses for us!
And let's hear it for the "Super-Mom" who takes care of them all and works, not one, but 2 jobs! Your family is awesome and so are you!
Ive seen her play and she is great!
Poor little guy! I hope he is getting better. Sounds like Alli takes after her mom and dad! Glad to see you are blogging again. WE might be out in May so we will give you a call when we know more!
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